Brownian Motion

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Imports & preparation
  3. Plots
    3.1 Brownian Motion
    3.2 Distribution
    3.3 Driving function

1. Introduction

This notebook serves as teaching material and support for lectures, as well as for further scientific education.

Brownian Motion

"The Brownian process describes the disordered motion of small particles suspended in a liquid. It is believed that Brown studied pollen particles floating in water under the microscope. He observed minute particles executing a jittery motion. The theory of this motion has been invented by Albert Einstein and Marian Smoludchowski. The mathematically rigorous construction of the corresponding stochastic process has been developed by Norbert Wiener." (Extraced from: A. Wipf "Path Integrals" (2019), p. 60, Brownian Motion, University of Jena)

Other references:

Notebook created by Benjamin Thomas Schwertfeger (November, 2021)
Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Bussestraße 24
D-27570 Bremerhaven

2. Imports & preparation

2.1 Imports

2.1 Settings

2.2 Functions

2.3 Define default values and calculate the results

3. Plots

3.1 Plotting the brownian motion

3.2 Distrbution

3.2.1 Distribution of 1000 particles in the last 1000 timesteps

3.2.2 Distribution of particles at a specific timestep

3.2.3 Distribution over time and space

3.3 Driving function

3.3.x The way to a stable condition